Sunday, November 27, 2011

Calgon Take Me Away!

Something about the days after a holiday, I get in chill mode as I have not left my couch except to hit a scrapbook yard sale and BJs. I dread going back to work tomorrow, but don't get me wrong I am thankful to have a job. Now on to a story about my youngest, 10 years old, Jordan. He has a few nicknames - we call him "Master Jordan" but you have to say it like the butler Jeffrey on the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. My dad calls him "Little Lord Fauntleroy". Now you understand what we're dealing with, but I created this monster. His favorite game Zoo Tycoon 2 is on laptop. He loves playing the game in living room watching what he calls "the big tv". Well I got him off my laptop around 5pm today because I needed to use it. So he proceeded to go in room and watch tv and play with his toys. Fast forward to bedtime, he's in his room UPSET! I ask what's wrong. He says, "My whole Sunday was wasted! I didn't get to watch the big tv at all today!" umm...screech..what?! Sunday wasted! I had to then remind him that we just watched a segment about homeless children on 60 minutes. How thankful he should be that he has a roof over his head AND a tv, video game, etc. in his room.
Motherhood is an never-ending job. After talking to him and then looking at the basket of laundry that needs to be folded, lunches that need to be made, I'm thinking I need a vacation. Just a day away..Calgon take me away!! Didn't work, I'm still here. Do they still make Calgon? Maybe I can just find something chocolate in kitchen to take me away to my happy place.


  1. Good morning . I'm up early Sunday morning because my sleep was interrupted by a puppy who couldn't get out of the room because I mistakingly shut the door and he needed to go out. Doesnt he know it feels like 2 degrees out there.
    I had to vent. I did enjoy reading this blog. Jordan is everything he is and more. Very intelligent kid. Since he loves animals , send him my way. This puppy needs some sleep training.
