Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Motherhood Blahs

Tonight was one of my blah motherhood days. The time when you wonder if you're doing a good job or not. My 16 year old hates school. He says its hard, he doesn't get it, etc. I know much of his attitude is pure teenage laziness, but a part of me wonders if I missed the mark in laying the educational foundation in him when he was in elementary school. He's our middle child so I wonder if I didn't read to him enough, nurture him enough. Who knows? Parenting is the most difficult job in the world and you often question if you're doing it the "right" way. All we can do is continue to pray for our children and keep pushing them to do their best. Hopefully my next post will be a bit of scrapbooking. This life stuff is taking up too much of my time.


  1. Girl, I feel you on this one! Glad to see you are posting more, Laura!
