Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A New Season

8 1/2 years ago I left a pretty well paying job as an Executive Assistant at a known cable company. Great perks - free cable, internet and tickets to O's & Ravens games...Ahh those were the days. I left after my youngest Jordan was about year and half because along with that great pay and perks came much stress. A demanding boss and late work hours became a bit overwhelming. I was a working mom of a baby, a kid in both elementary and middle school. Shout out to all the working moms who handle it all, but for me it was a bit much. I found a decent paying part time job, 24 hours a week, off on Thursdays and off by 3pm on the other 4 days of the work week. It was perfect for me at that season of my life.
The season has definitely changed! My oldest son has moved out on his own, my middle son is a junior in high school and that then toddler is almost 11 years old. We've bought a house and the economy has changed drastically from when I started my part time job. Now I am at a crossroads. I need a full time job to help our family live a bit more comfortably and put away a little more for our future. The flip side is entering back into the full time rat race. I saw one of my former (and favorite) supervisors the other day and we were talking about retirement and he says, "What's wrong with work if you love what you do?" It made me realize that I need not only a full time job but also something I love doing. I tend to be my worse enemy when job searching. I'll see something that I think is perfect for me but then I talk myself out of it before I even apply. Part of it is fear of the unknown, fear of starting over at some place new and stepping out of my comfort zone. But the time has come, time for a new season. I know God will put me where I should be be. I need to just shake the fear and step out on faith! 
"You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith" - Mary Manin Morrissey


  1. I can so identify with this post! Well said my friend, well said. I pray God puts us both right in the position that best benefits our personal and family needs. He already laid the plan, we just have to ask Him to help us walk it.

  2. very very true...step out on faith...I want to go back to work too...I need your old job!

  3. yes, it would be perfect for you. I'm now up to 28 hours a week, same place. Interview next week in a different department, full time! I'll keep you posted.
